GroovePages Pricing Affiliate Marketing & CRM Software Lifetime Membership Deal

GroovePages Pricing Affiliate Marketing & CRM Software Lifetime Membership Deal

Groove (officially known as is a software company with a mission to break the barrier of entry that prevents most people from starting an online business. Not only do they offer amazing software to run your business, but they also offer free training and a massive e-learning library to help you succeed.

I’ve attended many of their free online training events and not only do they show you how to use the software, they’ll often give you new business ideas which could help you start a business or expand an existing one.

They started out as GroovePages & GrooveFunnles but now they are officially known as…

Why cm?… Well as co-found and CEO Mike Filsaime says, “Because Customers Matter”.

You can learn more and sign up for an account at…

Groove is the better way to build funnels, build websites, run email campaigns, manage customers, sell products online, and so much more. In fact there are 17 powerful software apps all combined into one platform, and there are future plans for even more.

With Groove you can…

Build sites and funnels with unlimited pages

Sell unlimited products, plus use 1-click upsells, downsells, and order bumps.

Manage and communicate with unlimited affiliates.

Create a membership site within minutes.

Display videos using marketing-supercharged player embeds.

Present live or hybrid webinars to an audience.

Host SEO-rich content in a secure blog format.

Create quizzes and customer surveys

Run email marketing campaigns

Plus a whole lot more.

Each of these apps has some great features that you won’t find anywhere else. For example, the webpage builder makes it easy to create sites that are SEO friendly and mobile responsive (ie they look good on devices of different sizes). There’s also a host of drag & drop templates so you can create a webpage in minutes. However, if you are more experienced and want to build from scratch, you can do that too.

Mike Filsaime said, “We looked at what other software platforms were doing and thought, how can we make it better?”

The great thing about Groove is that you can forget WordPress, Wix, Clickfunnels, Shopify, ActiveCampaign, GoToWebinar, etc… because with Groove everything you need is in one place. There’s no need to sign up for tons of expensive software apps and then try and duct-tape them all together in the hope they work.

Groove is constantly improving the software and trying to make it more user friendly too. They love to know what their customers want and you can even submit your own suggestions or vote on other peoples suggestions. The best ones get incorporated into the software.

Groove operates a freemium model which means you can sign up for a basic account completely free. However, if you are serious about your business you’ll definitely want to upgrade to the Platinum Lifetime offer.

The Platinum Lifetime deal means that for only one payment EVER you get unlimited access to all the software, all upgrades, and all future apps that Groove may build… and you’ll never have to pay another penny EVER!

With most software companies they only give you one or two apps and you usually have to pay every single month, but with the Groove Platinum Lifetime deal you get all 17 apps and only pay once!

If you were to buy equivalent software to each Groove app, you’d have to sign up separately to 17 different companies and the total could easily come to $29,436 each and every year.

The Groove Platinum Lifetime deal is incredible value because you only need to pay $1997 ONCE… and you get all 17 apps, plus all upgrades, plus all future apps they may develop…. for life. You’ll never need to pay for software ever again!

The reason for this incredible deal is that Groove has been in the development phase for the last two years, so it’s been a kind of introductory offer for early adopters. However, the beta phase ends on 22 Feb 2022 and so the lifetime deal is ending too.

Once the lifetime deal ends, Groove will be moving to a monthly subscription model, so instead of getting everything for a one-time payment as you can now, if you want to upgrade later you’ll have to pay every month.

For those who miss out on the lifetime deal but who later want the same features as a Platinum Lifetime member, it will then cost them $299 per month. Even at this price it’s still going to be cheaper than a lot of the alternative apps from other companies, but if you can afford to lock in the Lifetime deal now, then this is a no brainer.

I decided to buy the Platinum Lifetime deal because I hate paying for expensive monthly subscriptions. I remember years ago paying for a funnel building subscription. It cost £2000 which I think was for two years, and then obviously at the end of two years you had to pay again.

Just imagine if Groove had been around then? Instead of just a funnel builder, I could have got an entire suite of software for the same price, and never paid anything ever again.

After seeing exponential growth since opening beta to the public two years ago, now has more than half a million users. This makes the world’s fastest-growing online CRM for small businesses and digital & ecommerce marketers.

The response has been phenomenal. People are using just Groove to create their websites, build funnels, sell physical and digital products online, host webinars, manage membership sites, affiliate programs, and so much more.

Whether it’s your first dollar, or millionth, your entire business can be powered by just Groove.

Not only do you get some amazing software and training for your business, but you automatically qualify to become a Groove affiliate too. This means that if you get others to join Groove as well, then as a lifetime member you’ll get 40% commission on each Platinum member who joins through you. is giving users one last chance to lock in the Platinum Lifetime deal and get this amazing software for life, but you’ll need to act fast as the offer is ending on 22 February 2020.

To find out more and get the lifetime deal visit…

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